Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ignore Africa This Christmas

I respect the peoples of the dark continent and my heart grieves when famine, warfare, as well as pestilence, are reported from those mighty nations. At the end of the day, however, they are not my people and until we North Europeans put our own houses in order, none of our concern.


Blogger Unknown said...

you are right about "putting our own houses in order", but dont forget, once you ve used Africa as an exemple to compare with your situation, that if their houses are not in order as well its all your fault, we have to blame it on North European nations that went there to f*** them up, and also its this kind of spirit "ignore Africa" "lets put our own houses in order" that has created nationalist actions like neo-nazi etc nowadays...but...anyway, that is how european life is, when they want something in another place, they go there with the execuse to help people, or to "civilize" them, but when they have some problem, they creat another kind of nationalism that often results in discrimination, racism....i know you were not saying that, but for me, this kind of thought may be the start for all, as history has shown us...
P.S: i know my english is terrible :P

7:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ignore Africa because they are not our people?

On the surface - no they are not. And thinking from a northern eurocentric point of view, they seem completely alien. However, underneath, if the spiritual consciousness is as developed, the outward appearance and outward culture does not matter. Then I would say, they are our concern, they are our people. If, on the other hand, the inner life, the inner meaning of African cultures and the spiritual potential of Africans is less than that of north europeans, then I can understand why Caliban says they are nothing to do with the collective european us. In that sense, I can also understand why he says that he respects them. I respect the life of my dog and I treat him kindly, but I don't expect him to get up on his hind legs and discuss Plato with me.

Although, I prefer to be direct. perhaps Caliban's oblique approach is best, after all I understood it and so, I suppose, did everyone else. But then again, I am a very, very naughty girl.

2:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Spiritual potential"

I wonder, does the soul exist? Has it always existed? Does the soul need to be built? Is the soul in the process of becoming in humanity? Is the soul the next step in an evolutionary line from minerals to single celled crsatures throught the many and varied stages of life, to Man and his ability to feel and think? Geosphere to biosphere to neosphere to the sphere of the spirit ("spiritshpere")? Was Darwin right but too limited?

Evolution - natural selection.

Species differentiation, science does not doubt the principle and that it is a continuing process - an eternal becoming. Yet when it comes to human beings, the liberal elite forbid us to think that the process is still going on. Racism they say. But there they defeat themselves, for what is race except a differentiation between humn types? Not a species differntiation to be sure - not yet anyway and now unlikely to ever be so. Racial mixing returns differences to the pot and gives it another good stir.

Are racial differences enough to limit or increase potential in the "spiritsphere"? Are some souls more built than others? Is the North European soul capable of more than the African soul?

3:12 AM  

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