Sunday, February 03, 2008

I, Odinist ?

It remains a mystery to me, in the classic sense, that so few of my readers have uncovered the thread of Eddic mysticism running (as prominently as it does), through all my work. In which case, I openly confess to my gradual conversion, and embrace Odinism as the obvious next step in British Spiritualism.


Blogger Sophia said...

Have heard of Odin, the Norse god, but not Odinism. Will have to explore further, perhaps tomorrow, after a night of sleep clears my mind enough to allow me to concentrate.

Will also explore some of your other writings in that time.


6:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Caliban: Here is a challenging work to consider. Write a Völuspá for our times. Re-tell the creation story for north europeans. Tell it out of the mouth of a 21st century English woman. Give her a modern name with its roots in a Scandinavian past. Let her tell it to a modern man. Let him be a man who toils and struggles against the modern world to find his meaning. Let the new Völuspá help him find that meaning, his roots, his soul. Through her, Let him understand the past to orientate his present and help him look into the future.

You would do this so well.

4:25 AM  

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