Caliban's Redemption
by David Parry
ISBN 186992875X, £9.99 paperback
'The exploration of such states of consciousness is not without its psychological dangers and Parry's poetry traverses inner worlds reminiscent of those of Lautreámont, Bataille and the demonologist Collin de Plancy' - Richard Rudgeley in The London Magazine
In this collection of occult poems Parry’s alter-ego Caliban muses on sexuality, seclusion and Shakespeare. Moreover, by trying to capture the dark dwarf’s metaphysical lyrics moment by moment, the author slowly confronts himself as a willing prisoner on the magical island of violence and desire. After all, Caliban would claim that neither Browning nor Nietzsche had fully grasped the ethics of redemption which can only be found in unadulterated selfhood.
I love you holy virgin,
with the soul that you have moulded,
lovely as a rosebud,
to the silver moon unfolded.
I love you holy virgin.
I love you Queen of Heaven,
with the body you have fashioned,
twisted in your service,
by sacred sighs of divine passion.
I love you Queen of Heaven.
I love you aged mother,
with the mind that you have hardened,
deep as dark obsidian,
reflecting black thoughts yet unpardoned.
I love you aged mother.
I love you,
I praise you,
I abase myself before you,
and with golden songs adore you,
my holy whore of heaven.